Purpose of Stage 1

Purpose of Stage is for grade-level or course content teams to:

  • Analyze their 2019-2020 curriculum to make adjustments to the 2020-2021 curriculum to address potential knowledge gaps for incoming students due to extended remote learning
  • Identify areas for potential gaps for 2019-2020 students to share in vertical conversations
  • Draft an adjusted curriculum for the 2020-2021 school year

Resources Needed 

Before You Start

Before beginning this work, locate the following in the Kentucky Academic Standards for the specific content area:

  • Your grade-level standards
  • The progressions or coherence statements (specifically for the grade/course below and the grade/course above)

Utilize the resources below for additional information and to locate the progressions for each content area:



Submit your completed Academic Re-Entry Graphic Organizer  (Word document only, please.  All other formats will be returned.  If using Google Docs, select File from the menu and Download.  Microsoft Word will be an option.)